My Recent Activity in My Work

The KEHATI Foundation
As one of my routine as an employee in IT Department, at this moment I'm redesigning layout and contents of The KEHATI Foundation website where I'm working. This website which using Mambo OS as the Content Management System has it latest re-design in 2006.

Required change is more fresh performance, informative menu and update articles. This change over is also expected capable to make balance with Web 2.0 concept that is being popular. I wish all the change will be finished on early of August 2008.
OdayPele "Life runs unpredictable". With my educational background I bet you won't believe of being who I am now. Though I knew life is not as simply as unreal world in cyber life but it has led me to enter my professionalism in carrier, bussiness and creation which support to my whole of life.

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