Just Married!

Lots of thanks for lots of congratulation which dropped to us to bless our wedding. No word can describe how excited I am on that day...believe me that was the meaning of my life, it's just like a dream come true. Now for the first time in my life my sight seems so clear that i can see my future to be faced and ready to step my feet with no doubt coz i have her on my side, my beloved wife to stand by me. The wedding which held on the 6th day of January 2008 will have it reception on 29th day of March 2008.

The invitation itself will coming soon right on this blog, just wait for it! You may take a note for the date in case you have time to come :)

The wedding and everything related was excited me a lot..., but the thing very makes me happy from this special day was the presence of my father who passed away only 10 days after my wedding. I believe in how much he loves me and how much he blesses my marriege so that he could stand to stay a while just for the biggest day of my life. He has already proved it. I know he is smilling at me somewhere there with my Mom (the woman he loves too much until the end of his life) to see me happy to be stand side by side with my bloodhalf. I love you Dad and Mom, I'm proud of being your son. Daddy.., just say hi to Mom, tell her that I miss her... miss her laugh, miss her yummy cooking (no one cook as she does)... and also her prudent advices. I miss you so so much! May God always bless them. Amin.
OdayPele "Life runs unpredictable". With my educational background I bet you won't believe of being who I am now. Though I knew life is not as simply as unreal world in cyber life but it has led me to enter my professionalism in carrier, bussiness and creation which support to my whole of life.

2 comments for "Just Married!"

  1. Oday, gue kayanya masih di Riau deh pas lo resepsi, proyek baru aja diperpanjang setahun soalnya, Gue ucapin selamat menempuh hidup baru aja dulu deh, semoga makin sukses ya, c u soon

  2. Makasih ya Tur buat doanya. Wah sayang banget elo masih di Riau, tapi gapapa, nanti kalo ada waktu luang kita ketemuan aja oke?

    Sukses selalu buat elo...


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